This format is the same as YUY2, except the byte order is reversed — that is, the chroma and luma bytes are flipped (Figure 7). If the image is addressed as an array of two little-endian WORD values, the first WORD contains U in the LSBs and Y0 in the MSBs, and the second WORD contains V in the LSBs and Y1 in the MSBs.

Figure 7. UYVY memory layout

Figure 7. UYVY memory layout

void yuv2yuv422(uchar *Y, uchar *U, uchar *V, uchar *output_ptr, int width, int height)
uint i,j;
uint pos0, pos1;

        pos0 = i*width + j;
       pos1 = pos0 + 1;
       *output_ptr++ = Y[pos0];
       *output_ptr++ = U[pos0];
       *output_ptr++ = Y[pos1];
      *output_ptr++ = V[pos0];

void yuv2yuv420(uchar *Y, uchar *U, uchar *V, uchar *output_ptr, int width, int height)
uint i,j;
uint pos0, pos1, pos2, pos3;

     pos0 = i*width + j;
     pos1 = pos0 + 1;
     pos2 = pos0 + width;
     pos3 = pos2 + 1;
     *output_ptr++ = Y[pos0];
     *output_ptr++ = Y[pos1];
     *output_ptr++ = Y[pos2];
     *output_ptr++ = Y[pos3];
     *output_ptr++ = U[pos0];
     *output_ptr++ = V[pos0];

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