Kernel Porting/Linux

I recently received inquiries from global big tech companies interested in me after looking at my company blog.

파란새 2024. 11. 16. 06:47

Next year, I'll be 61... Lately, my daily routine revolves around pondering how to enhance performance during inference using GPT-3 model structures, which is a hot topic. I've come across some trending papers from overseas and realized how much thought goes into inference by big tech companies in the US. It's impressive to see how many AI developers from these companies are deeply engaged and how they put in substantial effort.

Recently, I even received inquiries from global big tech companies interested in me after looking at my company blog. I've also shared my review opinions on commercializing LLM AI with these big techs, but I'm not sure how they will evaluate it.

Currently, Korea is facing a tough economic situation with Samsung's stock dropping by 40%, making it quite challenging for me as well. In such times, receiving interest from big tech companies gives me some encouragement.

Here is my company blog: Please take a look at it in detail.


DeepNetwork CEO / SeokWeon Jang /